Vektafid A/E Ready to use insecticide

Vektafid® A/E rovarölő aerosol

Vektafid A/E Ready to use insecticide

Application field: pesticide aerosol

Product formulation: emulsion forming concentrate

Active Substance: Utilizable aqueous solution of Vektafid® A pesticide. Further dilution is not required.

Distribution category: III


It is appropriate against scale insects and plant-lice pests on open-field and glass-cultured bedding-plants and house plants. It should be sprayed at hatching of larvae of scale insect species and right after settlement of plant-lice. The treatment should be repeated after 5 days.

Treatments used against wax and tortoise scales should be repeated more times in each case.
House plants have to be treated open-air. Utilization of this product is not recommended in case of indoor fern species. Pilot spraying is suggested on small surface before using it on new plant species.